泰扬permatex84115双组份环氧树脂 Permatex® 黑色塑料焊机™ 类别:环氧树脂和粘合剂 一种结构性粘合剂,专为各种材料的通用粘合而设计。 黑色塑料 Welder® 与大多数塑料、复合材料、陶瓷和木材的任何组合形成坚固耐用的结合。 它是一种快速固化产品,混合胶粘剂在 5 6 分钟内凝胶,9 10 分钟内固定。 注意:不会粘合聚乙烯和聚丙烯塑料。 汽车 应用推荐应用:粘接刚性材料,包括 ABS、玻璃纤维、PVC、乙烯基、玻璃纤维、丙烯酸、玻璃、苯乙烯、木材和 SMC。 Permatex® Black Plastic Welder™ Category: Epoxy & Adhesives A structural adhesive designed for general purpose bonding of a wide variety of materials. Black Plastic Welder® forms a tough, durable bond to most plastics, composites, ceramics, and wood in any combination. It is a fast curing product with gelling of mixed adhesive in 5 ? 6 minutes and fixturing in 9 ? 10 minutes. NOTE: will not bond polyethylene and polypropylene plastics. Application Automobile Suggested Applications: Bonds rigid materials including ABS, Fiberglass, PVC, Vinyl, FRP, Acrylic, Glass, Styrene, Wood, and SMC.